Goals and Values


  • to promote the equality of persons with disabilities and their opportunity for equal participation in society through co-operation of disability organizations.
  • to represent Finnish disability organizations in national and international co-operation.

Advocacy: in our organization decisions are taken by disabled people and parents of disabled people who are unable to represent themselves.


Participation: we believe that persons with disabilities have the right to participate directly in the development of policies concerning them and that decisions concerning persons with disabilities are taken with and by persons with disabilities. This is what we campaign for. Our leading principle is: “Nothing about us without us”. Issues that concern disabled people should not be dealt with or decided without the full and effective participation and direct involvement of disabled people through their representative organizations.

Independence: we guarantee that our organization remains independent and that our members decide the work program and statements of the FDF.

Visibility: we demand that the rights of people with disabilities are included in all areas of life.

Rights based Inclusion: we defend the social inclusion of people with disabilities and object the old charity-based view towards disabilities and disabled people.

Solidarity: we work for stronger and more united disability movement and pay special attention to persons with multiple or severe disabilities, people who face multiple discrimination and other forms of discrimination.

Partnership: we associate with all organizations who share our goals and help promote the rights of people with disabilities. A broad network is our strength. We exchange ideas and experiences with our partners. Their knowledge and expertise strengthen our work.